How Much Does RV Living Cost? (A Quick Breakdown)

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How Much Does RV Living Cost? (A Quick Breakdown)
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If you've been dreaming about living in an RV and wish to travel full-time, the first thing to do is understand how much does it cost to live in an RV. Generally speaking, the monthly cost of full-time RVing might lie between $1600 and $5000, depending on what you need during the travel time. The overall RV living cost primarily includes gas and propane, campsite fees, food, RV maintenance, insurance, phone/internet, entertainment, etc.

One of the main costs associated with RV living is the electricity bills. While many campgrounds and RV parks offer electricity outlets for people living there, the cost can increase over time. That's where the Jackery Solar Generators might sound like a great solution. This guide will reveal the RV cost breakdown along with how to save money.

RV Living Cost Breakdown

Life on the road may feel liberating, but it isn’t free. It’s important to understand the RV living full-time expenses before taking the plunge.

  • Gas and Propane

For one thing, the cost of gas and propane is a consideration. One could easily spend around $500 a month on gas and anywhere from $50-100 in propane costs. While fuel costs are always changing, this is likely to be one of the biggest expenses involved. One can also expect to pay for electricity use, the cost of which varies greatly.

  • Campsite Fees

Campsite fees should be factored into the budget as well. On average, campsite fees range from $14 to $40 per night. However, this can vary depending on location. Some sites are a lot more upscale than others. Season passes are available at some campsites and typically include discounts on the daily rates.

  • Food

Food is another essential cost of RV living. Groceries, eating out, and other food-related expenses can quickly add up to hundreds of dollars each month. Like a traditional household, cooking meals in your RV home can help reduce food costs. Besides, dining in an RV living setup is comparable to dining out, but with much better views.

  • Rig Repairs and Maintenance

Even a brand-new RV will require regular repairs and maintenance. Common expenses include oil changes, brake jobs, filter replacements, and tire rotations. Setting a budget of $200-300 each month for repairs and regular maintenance is highly recommended. This will ensure your RV is road-ready and functioning properly.

  • Electricity

Average rates for electricity can vary from state to state, but in most cases, you should expect to pay an average of $77 per month. Solar generators are a great alternative energy source and can help lower your electricity bill. By using solar generators to power your RV and appliances, you save on electricity bills by as much as 40% and reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Vehicle Insurance

One of the most important costs to consider is insurance. In most cases, it’s recommended to get full-coverage insurance on your RV or trailer. This includes collision coverage as well as liability coverage. Depending on your state, usage frequency and type, as well as the age/value of your RV, premiums may dramatically differ. Typically annual costs could range from $800 to over $1000 annually.

  • Health Insurance

Even while on the road, health insurance is a must. Fortunately, there are a few insurance companies that offer coverage specifically tailored for RVers or those who travel frequently. Basic health insurance plans can cost around $400 per month for individuals and $1000 per month for families. The premiums will depend on the type of coverage you choose and the provider.

  • Phone and Internet Plan

RVers who want to stay connected while traveling have three main options for gaining internet access:

  1. Using surrounding Wi-Fi connections
  2. Investing in a cellular data plan
  3. Satellite internet

Each of these options comes with its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to do your research before committing to one. On average, phone and internet plans for RVers can range from $50-$100 per month or more, depending on the type of plan you choose.

  • Entertainment

Whether that’s going to the movies, taking part in outdoor activities, or just visiting local attractions, these expenses can easily range from $100-$200 a month. The best way to cut costs for entertainment is to look out for discounts and coupons available online.

  • Other costs (laundry, mail service, RV wash, tolls, pets)

Depending on your usage and lifestyle, other minor costs may arise, such as laundry services, mail service, RV wash fees, and tolls. If necessary, you’ll also need to factor in some extra money for pet-related expenses. Depending on your family's individual needs, these costs could range from $50 to over $100 monthly.

Full-Time RV Living Monthly Costs

The total monthly cost for RV living is around $1600 to $5000 per month, depending on the type of RV and lifestyle. Your monthly expenses would likely include gas, food, insurance, electricity, health insurance, phone and internet plans, entertainment, repairs, and maintenance costs.

To make it more affordable, we recommend sticking to a budget and making smart spending choices. With careful planning and smart spending habits, you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle on the road without breaking the bank.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in an RV Park?

You can expect to pay between $500 and $1200 per month to stay at an RV park, including utility costs. However, the price will vary depending on the amenities offered, facilities, location, and whether the park offers a discount for extended stays. For example, RV parks in Texas might cost between $400 - $600, depending on what park you're planning to live in.

Average Cost of RV Park Per Night

The average cost of an RV park ranges from $20 - $40 per night. If you are planning for dispersed camping in any national forest or BLM land, you can expect to pay anywhere around $100 per night, which includes cabin rental or glamping experience. You can expect to pay nearly $20 - $50 per night for basic RV or tent camping sites.

Average Monthly Campground Rates

You can find budget-friendly RV parks that cost around $15 to $40 per night. However, if you want to stay in a resort-style RV park, it will cost around $50 to $100 per night. Some locations offer RV parking rates monthly with discounts for long-term stays. Depending on the location and amenities provided, RV park cost per month can range from $500 to over $1000+.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in a Camper?

There are many campgrounds that allow people to live in campers. You can expect to pay around $350 - $1000 per month, including the utilities you might need during the stay. Some campgrounds are free or cost around $100 per night depending on the campground popularity, season, amenities, and location.

How Much Does It Cost to Live in a Trailer?

For living in a travel trailer, you can expect to pay between $825 and $1750 per month. You might have to pay some additional amount for food, gas, satellite internet, and other factors. If you are planning to live in a trailer, you can start by creating a detailed list of monthly costs, including maintenance, insurance, and other recurring expenses.

RV Living: How to Save Costs

RV living can be a great way to enjoy the road while still having the comforts of home, but it is important to monitor your expenses so you can keep your costs down. Here are a few tips for keeping your RV lifestyle affordable:

Set up a budget (keep a lid on spending)

Before you hit the road, create a budget and track all of your spendings. Keeping an eye on your expenses can help you stay on top of your finances and avoid overspending.


Monthly Budget


$50 - $1000


$40 - $700

General merchandise/miscellaneous

$300 - $500

Medical/Dental/Vision care

$100 - $400


$50 - $200


$50 - $100


$410 - $700

Vehicle and RV maintenance

$200 - $400


$400 - $1000

Total RV budget

$1600 - $5000

Plan your trip in advance

Planning your trip can help you to find deals on camping sites and other activities. Look for discounts and coupons online, as well as special offers from campgrounds and tourist attractions.

Look for low-cost campgrounds

Instead of opting for more expensive RV parks, look for low-cost campgrounds. These can include state and national parks, as well as free campsites.

Get a solar generator

Solar generators are a great way to keep your RV running without relying on an external source of power, which can save you money in the long run.

Average Monthly Electric Bill for RV

The average monthly electric bill for RV living will depend on what appliances you are using and for how long. The actual electric bill is around $90 per month for a small family. If you are using more heavy-duty appliances and the electricity rate is higher in your state, you can expect to pay more for electricity. One way to reduce or even eliminate the cost of electricity is by using solar generators. They harness the free solar energy and convert it into electricity to charge appliances. Jackery Solar Generators are reliable charging solutions for most RV appliances, including ACs, microwaves, ovens, stoves, and refrigerators.

Jackery Solar Generators for RV Living

Jackery is a leading company in the innovation of incredibly efficient solar generators. There are a number of appliances and machines that require electricity in an RV such as: CPAP machines, microwave ovens, televisions, coffee makers, fans, electric heaters, laptops and more. With a Jackery Solar Generator, one can have a comfortable life in an RV without breaking the bank.

Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro

The Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro is a powerful charging solution for RV owners. The ergonomic design, double wheels, and foldable handle makes transportation in and out of RV easier. Its large capacity helps you charge 99% of most essential devices, including refrigerators, water heaters, ACs, and more. You can charge the Jackery Explorer 3000 Pro Portable Power Station with the help of foldable Jackery SolarSaga 200W Solar Panels to improve off-grid living experience.

Appliances running time:

  • Mini Cooler (90W): 28.5H
  • Electric Grill (1600W): 1.6H
  • Coffee Maker (550W): 4.6H
  • Blender (300W): 8.5H
  • RV AC (1000W): 2.5H
jackery solar generator 3000 pro for rv living

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is a versatile charging solution that can be your ideal partner on long-term RV trips. You can expand the battery capacity from 2kWh to 24kWh and charge up to 99% of your RV appliances for long hours. It also features double wheels and a foldable handle to move the generator from one place to another. Its suitcase design and ergonomic design ensures safe storage in RV. Additionally, it doesn't emit any toxic fumes for safe charging in indoor RV.

Appliances running time:

  • Mini Cooler (90W): 19.2H
  • Electric Grill (1600W): 1.0H
  • Coffee Maker (550W): 3.1H
  • Blender (300W): 5.7H
  • RV AC (1000W): 1.7H
jackery solar generator 2000 plus for rv living

FAQs about RV Living Cost

1. Cost to Build RV Garage with Living Quarters

The cost of building an RV garage with living quarters varies depending on the size and materials used. Generally, expect to pay between $36,000 to $140,000 for the construction.

2. How Much Does it Cost to Live at a Campground Year Round

RV park fees for long-term stays cost between $6000 and $14,400 per year. However, the actual price depends on where you choose to stay and the amenities offered.

3. How Much Does it Cost to RV for a Year

Everyone’s RV cost each month will vary based on their current residence (or domicile state) and the type of insurance they select. When mapping out your finances, make sure to leave room for approximately $3,000 annually for all vehicles—truck/trailer or motorhome/tow vehicle combo included.

4. How Much Does it Cost to Park an RV for a Month

The cost of parking an RV for a month will depend on the location and amenities offered. Generally, it might range anywhere between $500 and $1000+.

5. Can You Live in an RV

Yes, you can live in an RV but it will depend on the location. For example, some states, such as Texas, Arizona, Florida, and New Mexico, allow you to live in an RV. Other states that are RV-friendly but have stricter regulations include California, New York, Washington State, Montana, and Virginia.

6. Can You Live in a Camper

Yes, you can live in a camper without any hassle. However, it will require planning, research, and an adventurous spirit.


The RV lifestyle comes with a greater level of freedom. However, it is important to understand how much does it costs to live in an RV before you start your journey. You'll need to choose the best RV park or campground to park your vehicle for months. Additionally, you’ll need a power source like Jackery Solar Generator to charge RV appliances using the free solar energy. They are portable, safe, and eco-friendly solutions that help you reduce or even eliminate the monthly electricity bills during RV living.


The runtime mentioned for appliances powered by Jackery is for reference only. Actual runtime may vary under different conditions. Please refer to real-world performance for accurate results.

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