The Must-Have Overlanding Gear List [Checklist PDF]

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The Must-Have Overlanding Gear List [Checklist PDF]

Learn about the overlanding gear and get a basic overlanding gear list to start your preparation for your next adventure. Remember, it is more about the journey than the destination.

Table of Contents

Overlanding is a growing trend among adventurers nowadays. This off-roading adventure involves driving on rough dirt roads and trails. Though it looks great on first look, it is a tough journey and needs careful planning, navigation, slow driving, and management for smooth sailing. First of all, the essential overlanding gear is a fully maintained vehicle in perfect condition because you might be traveling for many days or even weeks on rough roads. Remember, overlanding is more about the journey and experience than the destination.

The essential overlanding gear must include weather-appropriate clothing, tents, navigation tools, medicines, and a great solar generator. Jackery solar power generators are compact and lightweight, making them the best choice for any outdoor adventure, including overlanding.

What Is Overlanding? And What Is Overlanding Gear?

Overlanding is a journey in which you enjoy the scenery, the adventure, the drive, and discover remorse unexplored trails. Off-grid camping is also a part of overlanding because, eventually, every overlander will want to enjoy nature in its purest form, with the sky full of stars. Since the travel is long and the roads are less traveled, keeping all the necessary overlanding gear is critical for you. The must-have overlanding gear includes;

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Vehicle Maintenance Essentials

Mechanical reliability is a crucial consideration for you on an Overlanding trip because you might not find any workshops or a fellow driver on the road. It would help if you were ready for tire failures, upgraded suspension, well-maintained overall vehicle, and regearing is important. Use low-mounted, bumper-mounted light sets, headlight and reverse light upgrades, and backup cameras. To keep your vehicle safe from any damage, adding front and rear bumpers, skid plates, and sliders also help.

Support Essentials

It includes communications, recovery gear, medical kits, and fire safety equipment. 

A Bug Out Bag with basic food, water, a tent, and a firestarter is always a good idea in case of emergencies.

Basic Essentials

Essentials are kitchen utensils and tools, sleeping gear, lights, and storage. You can mentally go through your regular day and list down what is extremely important for you.

Kitchen Essentials

Stoves, coolers, pots and pans, water filters, and refrigerators are part of kitchen essentials.

Interior Essentials

Interior lights and headlamps, tables, and small storage systems make your interior more comfortable.

Sleep Essentials

A sleeping pad or sleeping bag, a tent, and bug sprays are important to peaceful sleep.


Layering is always the best strategy for clothing. It would help if you had a non-irritating basic layer with a warm middle layer and insulated outerwear in winter. Long sleeves in cotton and breathable stuff are good for summer sun protection.

Why Is Overlanding Gear So Important?

Though overlanding is a fun-filled journey, it is not a carefree one. It would help if you had proper planning and a comprehensive packing list to make it a smooth journey. It is also important to note that overlanding is different from your road trips; it is like traveling to less explored areas. Now, these areas may still need to have necessities available. So you have to keep in mind that you have to try to be as self-sufficient as possible. The best way is to think about all situations that can go wrong in a place where you are alone, and there is no town in close vicinity.

So, you have to choose the right overlanding gear, all the critical things you may need, like your medicines. Your navigation and communication tools, your vehicle maintenance kit, your power sources, etc.

Making the right decisions for your destination, the route you will take, the equipment you will pack, and the mindset that you take with you is all about your survival and safety during the trip. Also, it is important to know that overlanding is not about a luxury lifestyle; it is more about survival and a basic lifestyle.

Must-Have Overlanding Gear List

Following is a basic starter list for your overlanding gear. This is an expert opinion, but there is always room for personalization and customization. So, you can start with this basic overlanding gear list and add your personal preferences, too.

  • A large, capable vehicle that can sustain on rough roads.
  • Kitchen Utensils
    • Chopping knife
    • Plates
    • Pots and pans
    • water bottles and canisters
    • Camp stove
    • Firestarter
  • Tent and sleeping gear
    • Collapsible Rooftop Tent or a ground tent
    • Sleeping bag
    • Headlamp
    • Camp lights
  • Camping furniture
    • Camping chairs
    • Stool or collapsible table
  • Sun protection
    • Hats
    • Sunscreen
  • Bug protection
    • Bug sprays
  • Weather appropriate clothing
    • Full sleeves shirts
    • Swimming gear
    • Jackets if required
  • Food and drinking water
  • Emergency Gear
    • First aid kit
    • Medicines
    • glucometer/BP apparatus if required
    • Thermometer
    • Fire Extinguisher
  • Gadgets
    • GPS Navigation
    • satellite communicator
  • Power source
    • Solar power generator
  • Vehicle repair tools and spare parts
    • Screwdrivers
    • Wrenches
    • Utility scissors
    • Allen keys
    • Duct tape
    • Ratchet straps
    • Bungee cords and zip ties
    • Superglue
    • Off-road jack
    • A set of spanners
    • A hydraulic jack
    • Crowbar
  • Toiletries
    • Soap
    • Shampoo
    • Handwash
    • Sanitizer
    • Toothbrush and toothpaste
    • Hairbrush

Jackery Solar Generators for Overlanding

Jackery solar generators are known widely for their compact design, high performance, ultra-fast charging, and phenomenal technology for safety and reliability. As we discussed above, overlanding trips are meant to be self-reliant and self-sustainable; hence, you must afford a more-than-perfect power source. Jackery solar generators make a great addition to any overlanding gear list because you can always rely on them for performance, and they are lightweight and compact enough to be carried along easily. Jackery offers a wide range of solar generators in various sizes and capacities, but small to medium-sized generators are recommended for you as an overlander. Let us see what Jackery solar generators are best in this scenario.

The Jackery solar generators harness the power of sunlight and convert it into electric power. They receive solar energy through solar panels and then store it in their built-in solar battery packs. Now, the inverter comes into the scene, which converts this energy into  AC power to be used by appliances.

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus

The Jackery solar generator 1000 plus is a compact medium-capacity generator with a capacity of 1264Wh and a 2000W output. This specification is good enough to power up your overlanding equipment for a long time. Since you will be out and away, quick charging is important as the weather can go cloudy or rainy, too. Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus takes 2 hours to charge with the help of 4* Jackery SolarSaga 200W Solar Panels. Its intelligent control with the advanced APP feature helps you to control the generator with WiFi or Bluetooth.

“We got this generator on the recommendation of our family friends who are already using one from the same company. Its extendable backup and weather resistant body is great and we are delighted to have a reliable power backup in the farm." Harry

jackery 1000 plus overlanding gear

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 v2 

The Jackery Solar Generator 1000 v2 is one of the lightweight and compact charging solutions that can charge most of the overlanding appliances for hours. It weighs just 24.2 lbs and features a foldable handle, so you can easily carry the solar generator anywhere you go. Whether you want to power your lights to illuminate the space or other appliances such as coolers, electric blankets, etc., the solar generator has your back. 

“I use it mainly in the house for TV, Computer, and water boiler. Saved me a lot of money.” — Moe Omran.

jackery 1000 pro overlanding gear

Jackery Solar Generator 500

518Wh Capacity with 500W Inverter and 1000W Surge power rating make Jackery Solar Generator 500 a small power source. It is compact and lightweight with sturdy and waterproof proof, so you can easily take it along on all types of outdoor adventures. Its 7 output ports allow you to connect multiple devices simultaneously. It is safe, clean, and noise-free, so it is also safe for use indoors.

“This is my small magic wizard. I keep it in my trailer for all outdoor trips and then i am free from the worries of charging my equipment, my coffee maker and my lights.” John

jackery 500 overlanding gear




Output Ports

Overlanding Electronics

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus


Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

AC Output(x3):

120V~60Hz, 2000W (4000W Peak)

Coffee Maker (800W) = 1.3H

Car Fridge (60W) = 13.5 H

Electric Cooker (900W) = 1.1 H

Portable Air Conditioner (1150W) = 54 min

Refrigerator(Insulation) (15W) =  31.8H

Microwave Oven (1160W) = 54 min

Drone (90W) = 9.7H

USB-A Output(x2):

18W Max, 5-5V⎓3A

USB-C Output(x2):

100W Max, (5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 20V up to 5A)

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 v2


Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4)

3 x AC Output (1500W, 3000W Surge Peak)

Blender (300W) = 2.8 H

Space Heater (350W) = 2.4 H

Ice Shaver (700W) = 1.2 H

Coffee Maker (550W) = 1.6 H

Toaster (650W) = 1.3 H

Microwave (700W) = 1.2 H

Kettle (850W) = 1 H

USB-A, 18W Max

USB-C1 Output: 30W Max 5V⎓3A, 9V⎓3A, 12V⎓2.5A, 15V⎓2A, 20V⎓1.5A

USB-C2 Output: 100W Max 5V⎓3A, 9V⎓3A, 12V⎓3A, 15V⎓3A, 20V

Jackery Solar Generator 500

518 Wh

Li-ion NMC

AC Output(x1):

110VAC, 60Hz, 500W (1000W Surge)

Phone (18W) = 15.2H

Blender (300W) = 1.4 H

Space Heater (300W) = 1.4 H

Small Coffee Maker (400W) = 1.0 H

DC Output(x2):

12V, 7A

USB-A Output(x3):

5V, 2.4A

Please note that the actual runtime may vary from that mentioned above and this calculation is for reference purposes only.

How to Choose The Overlanding Gear?

Overlanding gear is about survival, so attention to detail and choosing the right gear is very critical for your sustainability. Here are some guidelines for choosing the best gear.

  1. Try to choose multipurpose products because space is also an important consideration. So, smaller, compact, and multipurpose items are a preference.
  2. The balance between critical and heavy products. Heavy and larger equipment can also do wear and tear to your vehicle, so you need to balance.Overlanding gear is not about being fashionable and attractive; it is about necessity, so always give it a thought if you actually need it.
  3. Never skip critical equipment for any reason because you may get caught in a situation where you need it and then cannot get it. Overlanding tours are spanned over miles and stretched over days and weeks. So, vehicle maintenance kits, tire repair, and spare parts are important. Fire safety, medicines, and enough food and water cannot be compromised.
  4. Always try to connect to people who have experience of overlanding trips, especially in the areas where you are heading. Experience is invaluable and can always help.

Overlanding Gear FAQs

What size of solar generator do I need for my overlanding?

The size of the generator depends on the power ratings of your required equipment. So, add up all power ratings and then see how many hours you need them to operate.

How to calculate the working hours of the Jackery Solar Generators: 

You can use the Running Time Calculator available on the Jackery Solar Generator's product page. Visit the page, scroll down to the calculator, and enter the wattage consumption of the appliances you would like to charge with the solar generator. Let's say you want to power a 550W coffee maker with the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus. In this case, the running time will be 1.8 hours. However, you should keep in mind that these calculations are rough estimates and may differ slightly in real-world scenarios.

What not to take in an overlanding?

Expensive Instagram-inspired equipment that is not fit for overlanding. You need solid, strong equipment and not fragile stuff.

What overlanding gear you might forget?

People may need to pay more attention to medical supplies, sun protection, bug sprays, and chargers for all your gadgets. Also, only go around with proper navigation tools and communication, as you cannot rely on your phone in far-flung areas where networks are not present.

Final Thoughts

Overlanding is for everyone, but with proper, careful planning. It is an awesome connection with nature and helps you learn resilience, self-reliance, and strength to face tough situations. If you decide to go overlanding, make an overlanding gear list and gradually add and edit to it as you go through your preparation.

It is also essential to remember that overlanding is about a smooth, fun-filled journey but not a luxurious one. Always think about the worst situations and then prepare accordingly. Since today's life is incomplete without gadgets and electricity, a solar power generator is also essential.


The runtime mentioned for appliances powered by Jackery is for reference only. Actual runtime may vary under different conditions. Please refer to real-world performance for accurate results.

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