How Many Watts Does An Electric Stove Use

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How Many Watts Does An Electric Stove Use
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An electric stove top is a must-have piece of equipment in most households. Ordinary electric stoves have four heating elements, usually two small and two large. It is essential to find out how many watts an electric stove uses because the stoves are big power eaters and are expensive in terms of power cost. Generally, the energy use of a stovetop varies, depending on size, brand, and usage patterns. Smaller units will use 1000 watts, while a larger heating element can use up to 3000 watts. However, it is essential to note that stoves do not continuously use maximum rated power. It will be high heat until it reaches a set temperature, and the power consumption will decrease.

Key Takeaways About Powering An Electric Stove

  • Electric stoves use 1,000 to 3,000 watts of power on average.
  • On the other hand, on average, ovens use between 2,000 and 5,000 watts of electricity.
  • If your average electricity rate is $0.26 per kilowatt-hour, an electric stove costs about $1.8 to $2.48 per hour.
  • So, if you run your electric stove for one hour a day for a month, power costs between $43.2 and $59.2 per month.
  • At the same rate, running the electric stove over a year will cost between $518.4 and $710.4.

        How Many Watts Does An Electric Stove Use?

        The average electric stove wattage is between 1,000 and 3,000 watts. Now that we know how many watts an electric stove uses, we can estimate the power consumption cost. Assuming your electricity rate is 26 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh), a 3000-watt oven will cost you about 78¢ per hour at maximum heat.

        However, even this estimate simplifies the matter as your electric stove uses different energy throughout its operation. When the stove starts, it consumes maximum energy to reach the desired temperature. After that, it needs less wattage to maintain the temperature. Similarly, the power consumption varies when you change the setting to low, medium, or high heat. So, tracking exact power consumption accurately takes a lot of work.

        However, when we use the average wattage and cost of power consumption, they are very close to the real numbers. The difference between the average and the actual cost is not more than a few dollars every month.

        Definition Of Amps, Volts, Watts, Running Watts, Rated Watts, Watt-Hours.

        As we go deep down into the details of how many watts electric stoves use, it is essential to revisit the basic technological terms. In the discussion, we will use watts, amps, volts, etc., so let us see what they mean.

        Watt (W)

        A Watt is a unit of electrical power that shows the rate at which energy is used or generated. Technically, one Watt is equal to one joule of energy per second.

        Ampere (Amp)

        An Ampere or Amp is a unit of electrical current. It shows the flow of electrons through a device or electric circuit. One Ampere is equal to the flow of one coulomb of charge in one second.

        Volt (V)

        A Volt is a unit of voltage, i.e., quantification for electrical potential difference. One Volt equals the potential difference when one joule of energy moves one coulomb of charge between two points in a circuit.

        Watt-hours (Wh)

        Watt-hours are used on your electric bill to measure your energy usage. It is the electricity consumption over time.

        Electric Stove Amps

        Electric stove amps are an essential factor in the power usage of a stove. An electric stove works at around 20-50 amps, depending on the size and type of the electric stove.

        Electric Stove Watts Per Hour

        Electric stoves consume between 1,000 and 3,000 watts (W) of electricity, depending on several factors.

        How Many Watts Does An Electric Stove Use?

        How many watts an electric stove uses depends on its size, usage patterns, and brand. Generally, a typical electric stove can consume between 1000 and 3000 watts of power in the highest setting. This means that using the stove at maximum power for one hour will consume 1 kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy. So, if you run the furnace daily for a month, the power consumption goes up to 30-40 kWh.

        The amps are critical in considering how many watts an electric stove uses. Though the wattage determines the overall power consumption, the amps affect the load on your circuit. On average, an electric stove uses around 20-50 amps, depending on the size and type. A regular stovetop uses about 48 amps, so it is essential to ensure that your circuit can handle the load of the electric stove before plugging it in.

        Electric Stoves Wattage Hours of Use per Day Total Energy Use Total Energy Cost

        • 2,000 W 1 Hour 730 kWh / year $100.156 / year
        • 2,500 W 2 Hours 912.5 kWh / year $125.195 / year
        • 3,000 W 3 Hours 1095 kWh / year $150.234 / year
        • 3,500 W 4 Hours 1277.5 kWh / year $175.273 / year
        • 4,000 W 5 Hours 1460 kWh / year $200.312 / year
        • 4,500 W 6 Hours 1642.5 kWh / year $225.351 / year
        • 5,000 W 7 Hours 1825 kWh / year $250.39 / year

        Electric Stove

        Rated Watts

        Length of Time Powered (hours)

        Estimated  power needed daily (Watt-hours)

        Stove 1


        1 Hour

         1000 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        1500 Wh

        2 Hours

        2000 Wh

        Stove 2


         1 Hour

         1500 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        2250 Wh

        2 Hours

        3000 Wh

        Stove 3


         1 Hour

         1800 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        2700 Wh

        2 Hours

        3600 Wh

        Stove 4


         1 Hour

         2000 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        3000 Wh

        2 Hours

        4000 Wh

        Stove 5


        1 Hour

        2500 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        3750 Wh

        2 Hours

        5000 Wh

        Stove 6


        1 Hour

        3000 Wh

        1.5 Hours

        4500 Wh

        2 Hours

        6000 Wh

        How Long Can Jackery Run An Electric Stove

        As we discussed above, electric stoves are one of the most expensive pieces of equipment in any household in terms of power consumption. So, switching to alternative and more economical power sources is critical. Solar power systems harness the energy from sunlight and convert it into electric power.

        The Jackery solar generators combine solar power stations and battery packs with portable and foldable solar panels. So, you can take this solar power generator with you anywhere. Since they are available in high capacities and are fumes-free, silent, and safe, you can use them in-house as an emergency backup or for going off-grid.

        We recommend the Jackery solar generator 2000 Plus and 3000 Pro for running your electric stove because of their large capacity.

        Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

        The Jackery solar generator 2000 Plus is ideal for emergency home backup during extended blackouts and full-fledged camping because it has high output power. So you can run your lights, refrigerators, stoves, air conditioners, space heaters, and medical equipment.

        The Solar Generator 2000 Plus has expandable capacity, so you can start with an introductory 2 kWh and go up to 24 kWh by adding a battery pack and solar panels. It takes only 2 hours for a total solar charge, and then you can charge it with wall outlets and carports.

        You can connect multiple devices using output ports, including AC, DC, and USB ports. The following is a list of appliances you can run on the Jackery solar power generator and their running time.

        • Electric stove (1000W): 1.7 H
        • Electric stove (1500W): 1.15 H
        • Electric Stove (2000): 52 Minutes
        • Portable Air Conditioner(1150W): 1.9 H
        • Microwave(1050W): 1.5 H
        • Kettle(850W): 1.9 H
        • Coffee Maker(550W): 2.8 H
        • Drone(90W): 45 Times
        • Electric Oven(800W): 2.1 H
        • Hand Drill(400W): 3.1 H
        • Angle Grinder(400W): 4 H
        • Outdoor Electric Grill(1700W): 1 H

                              Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro

                              The Jackery solar generator 3000 Pro comes with a large capacity of 3024Wh that can power up to 99% of outdoor appliances. It can be fully solar-charged in 3-4 hours and wall-charged in 2.4 hours.

                              This generator is weather-resistant and waterproof equipment. It will even auto-adjust output power in extreme temperatures according to its remaining battery level. It is safe for indoor use as it is equipped with the industry-leading Battery Management System that provides 12 layers of protection against short circuits and overvoltage.

                              The following list shows the running time of different devices and equipment on fully charged Jackery solar generator 3000 Pro.

                              • Electric stove (1000W): 2.5 H
                              • Electric stove (1500W): 1.7 H
                              • Electric Stove (2000): 1.2 H
                              • Refrigerator(520W): 5 H
                              • TV(60W): 35 H
                              • Light(5W): 220 H
                              • Heater(1800W): 2.2 H
                              • Microwave(960W): 2.2 H
                              • Electric grill(850W): 2.4 H
                              • Coffee machine(1500W): 1.6 H
                              • Mobile phone(29W): 101 Charges


                                How many watts an electric stove uses is crucial for anyone looking to manage their power consumption efficiency and costs. However, stovetops are more efficient than ovens for specific cooking tasks requiring direct heat or shorter cooking times. The exact amount of power the stove uses depends on the size, usage pattern, type of cooking, and other factors. Generally, electric stoves use 1000 to 3000 watts an hour. Using solar power generators helps you save a significant amount of money and also contributes to green living.

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