How Many Watts Does A Dehumidifier Use

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How Many Watts Does A Dehumidifier Use
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High humidity can lead to several allergies and skin and breathing diseases. It can even lead to heat stroke and fainting. If you live in such an area, invest in a dehumidifier that lowers the humidity levels and eventually inhibits the growth of bacteria and mold. How many watts does a dehumidifier use, and how does it affect your power consumption cost?

How many watts a dehumidifier uses depends on many factors, including the size and usage duration. Generally, a humidifier may consume between 300 and 700 watts. Though the power consumption seems low, since the dehumidifiers are operational for 12 to 24 hours, the cost of running them can add up to a large amount.

Key Takeaways About Powering A Dehumidifier

  • An average dehumidifier may consume between 300 to 700 watts of power.
  • Running a 500-watt dehumidifier for 12 hours daily makes 6 kWh daily, 42 kWh a week, and 180 kWh monthly.
  • Considering a rate of 26 cents per kWh, the power cost of a 500-watt dehumidifier is approximately $1.56, $10.92 a week, and $46.8 a month.
  • Using solar energy to run a dehumidifier helps you save a significant amount of money and also reduces the carbon footprint.

How Many Watts Does A Dehumidifier Use

How many watts a dehumidifier uses depends on several factors, including the size of the dehumidifier, the room's size, the humidity level, and the energy efficiency of the dehumidifier. The average power consumption of a dehumidifier is 500 watts. While smaller units can fall in the 300-watt range, and larger units may consume up to 700 watts.

The duration of use is the most critical factor in determining how many watts the dehumidifier will use. Generally, it can run between 12 hours to 24 hours. If the air is more humid, the dehumidifier has to work longer at its peak performance and thus will consume more energy. Also, some dehumidifiers are more energy efficient than others, so their power consumption is lower.

Definition Of Amps, Volts, Watts, Running Watts, Rated Watts, Watt-Hours.

Learning about the units of measuring power and other technical terms is essential to understanding how many watts a dehumidifier uses.


An amp ousesmpere is a unit that measures the electrical current. It shows the rate at which electrons flow through a device or circuit.


A volt measures the electrical potential difference that shows how much energy each charging unit carries when moving between two points in a circuit.

Volts = Watts/Amps.


A watt is a unit of power that measures the electricity an appliance requires to turn on and operate.

 Running Watts/Rated Watts

Running watts is the wattage that a device requires continuously during its operation.


Watt hours (Wh) or kilowatt hours (kWh) show how much power an appliance consumes over time. This is the unit used on your electricity bill.

How Many Watts Does A Dehumidifier Use?

Dehumidifiers use a fan to trap moisture or humidity from the air. They condense the moisture into water and then release the dry air into the room. When the humidity in the air decreases, it helps prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and other bacteria in your air.

How many watts a dehumidifier uses varies depending on the size and energy efficiency of the humidifier and the humidity level and size of the room. Some preventive measures allow your dehumidifier to work more efficiently and consume less energy. It is essential to place the dehumidifier closer to the source; it will take less time to dry the air. The best places to place your dehumidifier are the basement, bathroom, laundry room, and bedroom.

Secondly, a well-maintained dehumidifier is more efficient as dust accumulates on your appliance and affects its capacity. Cleaning its coils, fan blades, and water tank regularly increases the dehumidifier's efficiency.

Also, introducing vent fans in your bathroom indoor plants and calcium chloride in a damp room container helps manage the moisture level.  

The following table summarizes the power consumption of different dehumidifiers over a period of time.


Rated Watts

Length of Time Powered (hours)

Estimated  power needed daily (Watt-hours)


22 Pint

 300 W


 3600 Wh


7200 Wh


30 Pint

 460 W


 5520 Wh


11040 Wh


50 Pint

 590 W


 7080 Wh


14160 Wh

96 Pint

 750 W


 9000 Wh


18000 Wh

How Long Can Jackery Run A Dehumidifier?

As the world is moving towards a more green lifestyle and the power cost is soaring globally, solar power is becoming the most popular power source. The Jackery solar power generators combine the benefits of environmentally friendly power with portability. We recommend the Jackery solar power generator 300 Plus and 500 for running your heating pad. In addition to the heating pads, you can connect other devices simultaneously using multiple output ports on the generator.

Jackery Solar Power Generator 500

The Jackery Solar Generator 500 is as small as a basketball, making it a compact and reliable choice for camping, road trips, RV, and home backup scenarios. Since it is a gas emissions-free energy source with reliable battery management systems, you can conveniently use it indoors without any safety concerns. The Jackery solar generator 500 can run your camping equipment and indoor appliances, including lighting, computers, space heaters, coffee makers, etc.

The following list summarizes the running time of appliances on fully charged Jackery solar generator 500.

  • Phone (18W): 22.6 Charges
  • TV(60W): 7.5 H
  • Blender(300W): 7 H
  • Space Heater(300W): 1.5 H
  • Coffee Maker(550W): 0.8 H
  • Toaster(650W): 40 Mins

            Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus

            Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus comes with a capacity of 1264Wh and a 2000W output to support almost 99% of your kitchen appliances and equipment. The Jackery solar generator 1000 Plus capacity can expand to 5kWh by adding three add-on battery packs.

            The Jackery 1000 Plus is a compact generator you can take with you on outdoor adventures. The following is a list of equipment with running time on a fully charged Jackery solar generator 1000 Plus.

            • Coffee Maker(1300W): 1.3H
            • Car Fridge(60W): 45H
            • Projector(100W): 9 H
            • Electric Cooker(900W): 1 H
            • Portable Air Conditioner 1150W(1150W):1 H
            • Television(60W):14 H
            • Refrigerator(Insulation)(15W): 44H
            • Microwave Oven(1160W):1 H
            • Drone(90W): 29 Times

                            Jackery Solar Generator 1000

                            Jackery Solar Generator 1000 is a solar solution with 1002Wh capacity and 1000W (2000W peak) output. It combines the Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station with SolarSaga 100W solar panels. It converts the sun energy captured by solar panels into electrical power and then stores it in the Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station for later use.

                            This generator can run 85% of your home appliances. The following list shows the running time of common appliances with running time on fully charged Jackery solar generator 1000.

                            • Blender(300W): 2.5 H
                            • Space Heater(350W): 2.5 H
                            • Ice Shaver(700W): 1.2 H
                            • Coffee Maker (550W): 1.5 H
                            • Toaster (650W): 1.3 H
                            • Microwave(700W): 1.2 H
                            • Kettle(850W): 1 H


                                        Understanding how many watts a dehumidifier uses helps you make informed decisions about power consumption and saving on electricity costs at home. Using energy-efficient practices and choosing the right-sized dehumidifier supports managing humidity levels with minimum electricity consumption.

                                        Using Jackery solar generators is cost-efficient and economical and reduces the carbon footprint. It saves the planet and reduces your power consumption cost.


                                        The runtime mentioned for appliances powered by Jackery is for reference only. Actual runtime may vary under different conditions. Please refer to real-world performance for accurate results.

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