If you want to be fully prepared for any emergency that might hit the door unexpectedly, you must understand the SHTF meaning and how to prepare for crises. SHTF stands for Shit Hits The Fan and describes the extremely dire end-of-the-world-like situation. You can think of empty grocery shelves, city-wide blackouts, and long, winding lines outside gas stations — these are just the tip of the iceberg.
Understanding SHTF and how to prepare for it are crucial steps to ensure your and your family's safety in times of crisis. Jackery Solar Generators are essential charging solutions that can help you power household appliances and prepare for emergencies or disasters. They feature stable NMC or LiFePO4 batteries that can charge most electrical appliances, such as refrigerators, mobile phones, and flashlights, during SHTF. They also let you power the radio so you can stay connected with the outside world.
What Does SHTF Mean?
SHTF is an acronym for Shit Hits The Fan and refers to a situation where disorder and chaos prevail after a major disaster. It's a broad term encompassing various scenarios, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, political unrest, or economic collapses. The expression dates back to 1930. When problems (shit) pile up (hits the fan) — that's when it gets real.
While anyone can talk about SHTF, they should keep in mind that it is an informal expression. When you refer to SHTF, you are likely a prepper talking about the time when the world comes to an end. You'll often find the #shtf hashtag on social media when users show practical tips and tricks for preparing for the end of the world.
What Are The Potential Scenarios for SHTF?
People often associate SHTF with actual apocalypse or zombie invasions. However, tragic events and life-altering events occur daily worldwide. Now that you know what is SHTF, we will include some examples of SHTF scenarios in this section.
Natural Disasters
If there is anything that falls under the SHTF scenario, it is a natural disaster. In extreme circumstances, these disasters can damage the infrastructure and homes, make food and water hard to access, and interrupt the power supply. These natural disasters typically include hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, wildfires, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.
Pandemics are a serious threat to mankind, and COVID-19 was one recent pandemic that hit the world. Generally, a pandemic rapidly spreads a virus, overwhelming hospitals and healthcare institutions. It makes it hard for people to access basic facilities like food, water, and proper healthcare.
Economic Collapse
Society crumbles during an economic collapse. Thousands of people lose jobs, businesses go bankrupt, and basic goods become hard to find. These factors lead to alarming crime rates and increased violence.
Acts of War
The acts of war include air or missile strikes, unlawful detention, guerilla warfare, military invasions, and chemical, biological, and nuclear attacks. Any of these can lead to complete or utter chaos, leaving millions of people starving with little to no access to basic necessities and healthcare.
EMP Attacks
It's like a lightning strike but way more powerful. It releases electromagnetic energy, causing currents and volts in an electromagnetic field to surge. These EMP attacks often damage electronic devices, and the situation can become severe in a short time.
Any type of cyberattack can lead to major consequences. For example, hackers can steal money, compromise federal intelligence agencies, or use sensitive data to pose as you. While you may not take any measures about a government data breach, you can definitely take steps to protect yourself from common cybersecurity threats.
Martial Law
Martial law is declared to replace ordinary law with military rule during war, civil unrest, or natural disasters.
SHTF Gear: What to Pack for Your Survival Kit?
If you want to survive the SHTF, you cannot leave life up to fate. Instead, you need to pack the essential SHTF gear. That involves stocking up on food, investing in a reliable power source alternative for power outages, etc. Here's what to pack for a survival kit.

First things first, you need enough water for all the members of your household — both for drinking and sanitary purposes. As a basic rule of thumb, consider storing 1 gallon of water per day for at least 3 days. For good measure, you can consider investing in a water filter to purify the water and use it for the household.
Gather emergency foods that are nutrient-rich, calorie-packed, shelf-stable, and easy to prepare. You can also pack peanut butter, canned goods, raw honey, and grains. An important thing to remember is to avoid stocking up extra, as it can lead to a shortage of supplies in the market.
Fire Starter
When things go south, having the means to start the fire can be a godsend. With a fire starter kit, you can enjoy a hot meal, stay warm without power, and boil water for drinking. Some items your fire starter kit should include are flint and steel, a BIC lighter, char cloth, and a Ferro rod.
First Aid Supplies
It's hard to receive medical attention during the SHTF. Essential first aid supplies can make the difference between life and death, lower the infection risk, and prevent injuries from getting worse. Some essentials your first kit should have include tweezers, cotton swabs, a thermometer, bandages, antibiotic cream, and over-the-counter medicines.
Power Source
You will also need a portable power source like a Jackery Solar Generator to supply safe and reliable electricity to mobile phones, radios, lighting, and other crucial household appliances. They are powerful enough to charge most household appliances and keep you protected against extended power outages and blackouts during SHTF.
Your credit cards won't work during the SHTF. While you may get access to ATMs, the lines would be long. Hence, cash would be king during such times.
If you are planning to bug out, you must carry a mix of clothes for different weather conditions. Some essentials include waterproof jackets, raincoats, thermal tops, pants, sunglasses, breathable shirts, sturdy boots, and gloves.
Some other essential SHTF gear include a reliable multi-tool, emergency blankets, and durable flashlights.
Remember, a prepper isn't a prepper if they do not have at least one emergency or survival kit ready. In order to build a survival kit for SHTF, you need to start with the essentials, such as water, food, a first aid kit, and a portable power station.
Jackery Solar Generators for SHTF
Jackery is a leading solar brand manufacturer and seller of highly efficient solar generators, portable power stations, and solar panels. The Jackery Solar Generators combine the portable Jackery Explorer Portable Power Station and foldable Jackery SolarSaga Solar Panels to collect, convert, and supply electricity to household appliances.
The Jackery Solar Generators have a large capacity and can charge most household appliances during extended power outages or blackouts. The Jackery Explorer Portable Power Stations feature multiple AC/DC output ports to charge various appliances simultaneously. They can be easily recharged with the highly efficient Jackery SolarSaga Solar Panels, helping you stay powered even during the SHTF.
Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro
The Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro has a large-capacity battery-powered generator that can charge 99% of household appliances. It can help you power multiple essential appliances, such as flashlights, mobile phones, radios, refrigerators, and more. The portable power station can be recharged with the 6*Jackery SolarSaga 200W Solar Panels in 3.5 hours, so you don't have to worry about power outages. Its pull rods and double wheels make the portable power station easy to move around the house.
Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus
The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is an expandable and versatile battery-powered generator that powers 99% of household appliances. The battery capacity can be expanded from 2 kWh to 24 kWh with the help of the additional Jackery Battery Pack 2000 Plus, elevating the off-grid experience to the next level and supporting up to 2 weeks of home backup during SHTF. It ensures the charging of essential devices, such as lights, medical equipment like CPAP machines, and refrigerators.
Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4 kWh)
The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4 kWh) has a LiFePO4 battery with a large capacity. It can supply steady electricity to small and large appliances for hours. For example, it can charge a refrigerator (500 W) for 7 hours and a CPAP machine (60 W) for 57 hours. It can be recharged with Jackery SolarSaga 200W Solar Panels so you can enjoy continuous power to your household appliances. The large battery capacity of the solar generator is an excellent choice for an SHTF survival kit since it can charge electronics using free solar energy.
How to Prepare for SHTF?
SHTF (or disasters) can happen when you least expect it. As it can happen anytime, many people are often left unprepared for such crises. If you think you are falling short, it's high time you understand SHTF and how to prepare for it. Here are a few more tips to prepare for SHTF and keep your family safe.
Where to Go
When SHTF happens, you'll need to look for a safer place for your family. Some might choose to stay at home, while others prefer to bug out. Regardless of whether you decide to stay at home or go elsewhere, you must keep an alternative route in mind. You should also have a bug-out vehicle ready for the escape.
Survival Skills and Scavenging
Your survival skills will be tested during the SHTF. You must keep four things ready: food, shelter, water, and medical care. If the SHTF lasts longer, scavenging is essential for survival. It becomes essential to increase the chances of survival by collecting any material, like hunting equipment, food, or other usable items from any abandoned property. When scavenging, you need a well-thought-out plan on where and how to scavenge and how to bring goods back to the shelter.
Have a Communication System in Place
While your phone will have enough juice to last a day or two, you will need to look for a reliable power source or other alternative to build an effective communication system. If the crisis involves the whole area, communication lines will be flooded.
For this reason, you need to have a communication plan that includes a designated meeting place in case the family gets separated, an out-of-town contact to know everyone's whereabouts or status, emergency contacts for each household member, and the number of the local fire department and ambulance.
Plan for Both Bugging In & Bugging Out
Bugging in and bugging out will depend on the type of SHTF and its consequences. For example, bugging out or getting out is better if your house is directly affected by fire, earthquake, or hurricane. Bugging out is a sensible choice if your supplies are depleting, you need a secure shelter, or you have a bug-out place in mind located outside the SHTF area.
On the other hand, bugging in or sheltering in place is ideal if you've people who cannot move out due to health conditions or age. It's also great if you live in the countryside or suburbs — somewhere far away from the city or the outside elements are harsh.
SHTF Plan: What Should You Do During SHTF?
SHTF plans include what you'll do if the SHTF happens. Creating the SHTF plan will largely depend on the type of scenario you are preparing for. If the SHTF affects your area, here are some of the things you can do:
Retreat to Safety
The first thing to do is remove yourself from the danger zone as soon as possible. You'll need to be calm when doing so. Keeping a level head will help you to take care of households and pets better (including pets).
Access the Event that Happened
When SHTF happens, you'll need to get vital information about the situation using an emergency radio. Mobile phones and TVs are generally not applicable in these scenarios.
Communicate With Family
If you are away from family, check on your loved ones to see if they are protected from the SHTF. Additionally, let them know where and how you are. You should also plan how the family will come together to set up neighborhood security safely. Being around familiar people offers comfort during troubled times.
Prepare Your Shelter
Generally, bugging out is one of the best ways to stay protected during an SHTF. If you want to bug out, make sure to have a thorough plan in place to move safely and bring enough essential supplies to support your family.
On the other hand, if you decide to stay at home, secure it properly. For example, consider securing all doors, boarding up windows, and understanding basic self-defense skills to protect your place.
Check Your Supplies
Once your shelter is ready and the defense system is in place, the next step is to check the supplies. It's best to keep the inventory filled with essential SHTF gear and equipment. Plan out your meals if you have enough water and food, and see if you need more.
Stay Informed
Always stay informed about what's happening outside by listening to the current updates on the radio, and then keep adjusting your next steps. For example, if the SHTF will lead to extended power outages, you can purchase an alternative power source. You can consider investing in portable Jackery Solar Generators that can charge your radio, mobile phones, and other essential devices during extended power outages in SHTF. Even if you have a solid SHTF plan in place, things can unexpectedly change and make the plan useless. Hence, it is essential to build a flexible and adaptable SHTF plan.
What size of solar generator do I need for SHTF?
The size of the solar generator you need for SHTF will depend on the total wattage consumption of the appliances you plan to use simultaneously and the number of hours you charge them. If we assume you are charging a radio (2 W), refrigerator (500 W), and phone (15 W) simultaneously with the help of Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4 kWh), the working hours can be calculated using the below formula:
Working Hours = Battery Capacity in Wh * 0.85 / Wattage Consumption of Appliances = 4085.6 Wh * 0.85 / 517 W = 6.7 H.
We have multiplied the battery capacity by 0.85 since there will be some power loss when charging the appliances.
How to deal with post-SHTF?
After the SHTF, things won't return to normal in the blink of an eye. For this reason, you'll need to have a solid and reliable post-SHTF plan in place. Here are some ways to deal with post-SHTF:
- Your brain needs regular workouts just like your body. So, make sure to practice mental exercises to keep your mind sharp and stay focused.
- Everyone will be going through the same things as you are. Hence, it's best to talk with friends and family members.
- Lastly, take your time and don't force yourself (or anyone) to feel positive.
What does SHTF stand for?
SHTF stands for Shit Hits The Fan — meaning the disaster has occurred. It could be a war, blackout, gas crisis, blackouts, nuclear meltdowns, economic collapses, pandemics, or EMP attacks.
What should you always carry in a survival pack?
A basic disaster supply kit includes water (one gallon per person per day), non-perishable foods, a battery-powered weather radio, a flashlight, a first aid kit, extra batteries, a dust mask, a wrench or pliers, local maps, a whistle, a manual can opener, cell phones, and Jackery Solar Generators.
Do you have a SHTF plan?
When creating the SHTF plan, you must do a little work to formulate a plan. You can build a SHTF plan by reading books or articles, watching YouTube videos, and going through actual training. Remember, selecting the right survival plan will vary based on the particular threat occurring in an area.
Final Thoughts
When SHTF happens, you can trust only yourself and your survival skills. During an SHTF emergency, you need to survive on your own for days. Developing a thorough SHTF plan can be overwhelming for those new to the prepping community. It's best to understand SHTF's meaning and begin with a step-by-step approach.
For example, you can start by assessing the risk, gathering supplies, and having a reliable power backup source handy. Jackery Solar Generators have large capacity and are powerful enough to keep most household appliances powered for a relatively longer time. These portable solar generators can keep phones charged to stay connected and refrigerators powered to keep food healthy.
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