What Can a Jackery 500 Run?

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What Can a Jackery 500 Run?
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What is Jackery 500?

The Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station has an NMC battery that can charge small to midsize appliances for hours. The ergonomic design and sturdy handle make the power station extremely easy to carry. The compact size and robust output of 500W (1000W surge peak) make it an ideal companion for your power needs. It's a reliable and versatile power solution for photography expeditions, remote work, and outdoor adventures. Connecting the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station with the Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panels will help you build a reliable Jackery Solar Generator 500.

Let's check out the technical specifications of the Jackery 500 as follows:

Product Name: Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station

Output & Capacity: 500W (1000W Surge Peak) Output & 518Wh Capacity

Battery Cell: NMC

Lifespan: 500 cycles to 80%+ capacity

Recharging Time:

Recharging Methods

Time Taken to Full Charge

AC Charger / Wall Outlet


Car Charger (12V)


Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panels * 1


This ultimate guide will reveal the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station's versatility for camping, photography, and remote work. Also, learn what appliances can be safely charged with the power station and for how long.

What Can Jackery 500 Run?

The Jackery 500 features multiple ports, including AC outlets, DC ports, a carport, and USB-A ports to charge CPAP machines, mini-fridges, TVs, fans, coolers, air pumps, and portable coffee makers. In short, you can power appliances that consume less than 500W of electricity per hour. Here's a formula that reveals how long the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station can charge an appliance:

Working Hours = Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station Capacity in Wh × 0.85 ÷ Operating Wattage of the Appliance

Here's an example:

Suppose you are planning a photography expedition to a remote location and want to charge your camera (9W) and lights (50W) with the Jackery 500. The operating hours can be calculated as 518Wh × 0.85 ÷ 59W = 7.4H.

Note: There will be some power loss when appliances are being charged, so the battery capacity is multiplied by 0.85. We calculated the data when the portable power station was fully charged.

The Jackery 500 can easily be charged with a wall outlet, car charger, and Jackery SolarSaga 100W Solar Panels. Thus, you never have to worry about finding a power outlet in a remote location.


If you're a camping enthusiast and want to power various small appliances, the Jackery 500 is an invaluable choice. It can power a portable coffee maker to brew coffee in the morning, an electric lantern to illuminate the space around the camp, and an electric camping stove to cook delicious meals. After a long day, you can use the Jackery 500 to power a pump to inflate the mattress and charge a rechargeable headlamp for nighttime adventures.


Running Time When Fully Charged

Camping Stove (100W)


Portable Coffee Maker (350W)


CPAP Machine (40W)


Inflatable Mattress Pump (250W)


Lamps (50W)


Note: The working hours of the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station mentioned in the table are calculated after fully recharging it. 


Photographers will appreciate the ability of Jackery 500 to charge essential appliances, ensuring they never miss a single shot. For example, it can help you run a DSLR camera to take pictures, use laptops to edit shots, and use portable printers to print them. If you're taking photos after the sun sets, the Jackery 500 can charge LED photography lights to ensure optimum lighting for photography.


Running Time When Fully Charged

DSLR Camera Charger (15W)


Laptop (50W)


Portable Printer (150W)


Portable Cooler (60W)


LED Photography Lights (20W)


Remote Work 

Those who want to stay connected and productive in a location with no nearby power outlet can consider investing in the Jackery 500. It allows you to set up a remote workstation with a laptop, portable monitor, WiFi router, smartphone, and desk lamp. It will help you keep remote offices powered and operational no matter where you are.


Running Time When Fully Charged

Laptop (50W)


WiFi Router (10W)


Portable Monitor (100W)


Smartphone (5W)


Desk Lamp (10W)


How Do I Know If Jackery 500 Can Run Something?

Determining whether the Jackery 500 can power a particular appliance or not is simple. All you need to do is visit the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station's product page and find the “Running Time Simulator.” Find the wattage of the appliance you want to charge and make sure it does not exceed the 500W rated output of Jackery 500. Enter the appliance's wattage in the calculator to find out how long the Jackery 500 can charge it. If you are still unsure what generator will charge the appliances, read this guide: What size generator do I need.

running time simulator of jackery explorer 500 portable power station

Jackery 500 and Jackery 550

While the Jackery 500 is a reliable and robust power station, there's a Jackery 550 available with a bit higher capacity and output. You can choose the Jackery Explorer 500 Portable Power Station if you want to go on short trips with minimal power needs. On the other hand, the Jackery Explorer 550 Portable Power Station is ideal when you need more power capacity for longer outdoor trips. To check out how these models differ, read the detailed blog: Jackery 500 vs Jackery 550.


How heavy is Jackery 500?

The Jackery 500 weighs around 13.3 lbs and can be carried on outdoor adventures without any extra effort.

What can I run on a 500-watt Jackery?

The Jackery 500 can power most small to midsize appliances. However, the appliance's wattage must not exceed 500W. Generally, the Jackery 500 can charge lamps, laptops, small fridges, CPAP machines, and phones.

Can a Jackery 500 run a refrigerator?

Yes, the Jackery 500 can run mini refrigerators consuming less than 500W of electricity per hour. For example, if you charge a mini freezer consuming 200W of electricity per hour, the Jackery 500 can supply uninterrupted power for 2.2 hours (518Wh * 0.85 / 200W).

Can a Jackery 500 power a TV?

Yes, Jackery 500 can power a small-inch TV that consumes around 100 - 150W of electricity per hour. Once fully charged, the Jackery 500 can charge the TV (100 - 150W) for 2.9 - 4.4 hours (518Wh * 0.85 / 100 - 150W).

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