Can Jackery Power a Well Pump? Which Model, How Long Can It Run?

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Can Jackery Power a Well Pump? Which Model, How Long Can It Run?
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Yes, Jackery can power a well pump for agricultural, residential, and commercial purposes. The Jackery Solar Generators are solar power systems that provide renewable energy to charge various essential devices in multiple scenarios, like power outages, outdoor work, and blackouts.

The guide provides information about average and large well pump wattage, the ideal Jackery product and model to charge your well pump, and the appliance's charging time. It also helps you select the correct size generator for your power needs.

How Much Electricity Does Well Pump Use? 

On average, a well pump uses 900 watts of electricity per hour of continuous use. Continuous use of a well pump for 8 hours can consume 6.4kWh of electricity and add up to 45kWh per week. However, well pumps come in different sizes, and each has different power needs, so choosing a well pump with a good power rating is advisable.

Can Jackery Power A Well Pump?

Through its portable generators and power station, Jackery can power well pumps of different sizes and wattage capacities. The appliance wattage consumption depends upon its size and working hours, enabling you to choose the right size of the Jackery model to power your well pumps.

Here's a table showing the running time of different Jackery Portable Power Stations when they charge a well pump (900W).

Note: The operating wattage is considered 900W. The running time indicated in the table is just for your reference, and the actual time might differ.  

Jackery Model


Running Time (= Battery Capacity in Wh × 0.85 / Operating Wattage of Well Pump (900 W))

Jackery 1000



Jackery 1000 v2



Jackery 1000 Plus



Jackery 1500 



Jackery 2000 Plus 



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) 



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (6kWh)



Jackery 2000 Plus Kit (24kWh) 



Step 1: Check The Started And Rated Wattage Of Well Pump

Usually, the rated and started wattage is mentioned on the device. Check the user manual for the wattage if it is not mentioned on the device. If the rated and started wattage is not mentioned directly in the manual, you can multiply the voltage of the well pump by the ampere, which will give you the wattage.

Step 2: Check the Started And Rated Output Wattage Of The Power Station

The capacity of the well pump should be less than the rated wattage of the Jackery Portable Power Station. Before you select the right power station size, check its rated and surge output. A small hint to knowing the output wattage of the power station is to look at the product’s model number (excluding the plus series). For example, the rated output wattage of the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 would be 1000 watts.

Let’s say you want to run a well pump (900W) with Jackery Explorer 1000 Plus Portable Power Station, then you can calculate the working hours using the formula given below:

Working Hours = Jackery Portable Power Station’s Capacity in Wh × 0.85 / Operating Wattage of Well Pump.

Working Hours =  1264Wh × 0.85 / 900W = 1.2 hours.

Note: While charging the devices, some power loss occurs; hence, multiplied by 0.85.

well pump power supply flowchart

Jackery Solar Solutions For Different Well Pump Types

Below are three recommended products for charging well pumps during home emergencies and backup power based on the average and specific uses.

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus - Recommended For Brief Power Outages

Ideal for camping, offroading, and home emergencies, the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus brings more power in a small size and can power 99% of devices, including residential well pumps. The solar generator is fire-retardant, shock-resistant, and functions quietly, providing around three days of home emergency backup.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus - Recommended For Off-Grid Living

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus would be ideal for powering well pumps for residential and agricultural use. You can add a battery pack and solar panels to expand its capacity for various scenarios and charge the well pumps for long hours. It is always prepared for outdoor and home backup power, even during power outages.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) - Recommended For Blackouts And RV Living

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh) features a portable design with pull rods and double wheels to make it easy to move around. It can power both average—and large-sized and capacity well pumps for commercial and residential use. It supports charging 99% of devices for home emergencies, off-grid living, etc.

Appliance Watts

Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh)






Rated And Surge Wattage


Rated: 2000W

Surge: 4000W

Rated: 3000W

Surge: 6000W

Rated: 3000W

Surge: 6000W

Household Well Pump





Large Well Pump


32 mins (Only 2000W well pumps)

34 - 52 mins


Note: The running time of Jackery Solar Generators mentioned in the table is when the battery-powered inverter generator is fully charged.

Jackery Solar Generator and Jackery Portable Power Station: How to Choose?

Choosing between a Jackery Portable Power Station and a Jackery Solar Generator depends on what appliance you are charging, where you will use it more often, the device's capacity, and how long you want to charge it. For example, Jackery Solar Generators would be ideal for household backup power. Solar generators would be a great companion to keep you power-ready if you live in an area frequently affected by power outages or blackouts.

Jackery Solar Generators is a solar power system that combines Jackery SolarSaga Solar Panels and Jackery Portable Power Stations. When you place solar panels on the roof or outside, they capture sunlight and convert it into electrical energy. The built-in inverter in the power station converts the DC into AC and can power your well pump whenever needed.

The Jackery Portable Power Station is lightweight and portable, ideal for camping, RV living, or outdoor activities. Whenever you stop by an area with a grid power supply, you can charge the power station using a wall outlet and charge your appliances.


An average and large-sized well pump can be charged using a Jackery Solar Generator and Jackery Portable Power Station to keep you power-ready during power outages. Remember to use the correct size power station or generator for charging. For example, a 900W well pump can be charged using the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 Plus and Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus. In contrast, well pumps with 2000W-3000W capacity can be charged using the Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus Kit (4kWh).

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