Why Did My Electric Bill Double in 2024?

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Why Did My Electric Bill Double in 2024?
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No one likes to pay high electricity bills, and if there are any changes, then one always wonders, why did my electric bill double in 2024 suddenly? There are several reasons behind the sudden rise in electricity bills—it may be because of extreme weather or extra usage of high-power appliances, like water geysers or air conditioners. Nonetheless, there are several easy ways to cut down on electricity bills, and by following them, one can also save their average monthly living cost.

If your electricity bill has skyrocketed since the start of the summer and you are looking for easy ways to cut the average cost, check out Jackery Solar Generators. These Generators can provide power and charge almost 99% of household appliances and are easy to connect and use.

In this comprehensive guide to understanding the electricity bill and what actually doubles it, you can analyze the common reasons behind the sudden rise in the electric bill. At the same time, you can also find the top 10 states with higher average electric bills than others and easy tips on reducing your electric bills this summer.

Why Did My Electric Bill Double?

If you have made changes to your lifestyle or moved to a new location, there are chances that you may have noticed a sudden spike in your monthly electric bill. As per a report by EIA, US households spend 52% of their annual household energy consumption on heating and air conditioning. However, there are several other reasons that might have let you ask this question: why did my electric bill double in August? Well, it is because of several reasons, like:

Extreme Weather Conditions

Due to global warming and other climatic changes, extreme weather events have become more frequent and intense. In 2024, the United States will experience significant heatwaves and cold spells. According to a report by the Washington Post, April 2024 marked the eleventh consecutive month of record global heat, with temperatures 1.58oC above the IPCC pre-industrial baseline.

Use of Air Conditioners

With the rise in heat waves, more residents have started running their air conditioning units for long stretches just to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. A central air conditioner typically consumes around 3500W per hour. If used for 8 hours daily, that will result in 28kWh per day, which is a sure sign of increasing the electricity bill.

Heating System

During cold weather, more people tend to start using electric furnaces or space heaters. An electric furnace can use approximately 15000W or 15kW per hour, which can consume 120kWh per day if used for 8 hours.

Moving To a New Home

Relocating to a new home can also significantly affect your electricity bill. Moreover, if you have changed the states, then you will also see a sudden spike in the electricity bills. For instance, Massachusetts's average monthly electricity rate is 28.70 cents per kWh. Whereas the average monthly electricity rate in New York is 23.60 ¢/kWh.

Size and Insulation

Larger homes generally require more energy for heating and cooling. If you were living in a 1 bedroom apartment and have not relocated to a three-bedroom one, then there is a high possibility that you may see a rise in your electricity bill. Additionally, older homes have poor insulation, which can lead to higher energy use.

Different Appliances

New homes may come with different newer appliances that may consume more electricity. For instance, you had an old refrigerator in your previous apartment that used 800W, but the newer, more energy-efficient model might only use 200-400W. However, if the new home has high-consumption appliances, like a hot tub, it can significantly increase your electricity bill.

Increased Usage of High-Wattage Appliances

Certain appliances consume more power than others, and changing their usage patterns can also increase monthly bills.

Electric Water Heaters

If you use a hot tub or electric water heater to take a bath or wash the dishes, remember that such appliances can consume around 4500W (4.5kW) per hour. Increased use of such appliances can spike energy consumption.

Electric Vehicles (EVs)

According to a US Bureau of Labor Statistics report, the number of electric vehicles on the road has increased from about 22,000 to a little over 2 million in the last decade. Charging an electric vehicle at home can also significantly increase your electric usage. A typical EV charge might use around 7200W; if you charge the vehicle for 8 hours, it can consume around 57.6kWh.

Rate Increases & New Charges

In several places in the United States, electricity is regulated by the government. Based on market changes and inflation, electricity providers often adjust their rates. Additionally, new fees and surcharges can further impact electric bills.

Base Rate Increases

Utilities may raise their base rates due to various factors, like an increase in operational costs or investments in renewable energy infrastructure. The EIA has forecasted average residential electricity prices next year to reach their highest level in almost three decades.

According to the short-term energy report, residential customers will pay about 16.23 cents/kWh in 20223, up from 15.98 cents/kWh last year. The government forecasters also expect the prices to average 15.87 cents/kWh.

Peak Demand Charges

Some utility companies in the United States have reportedly implemented peak demand charges, which apply higher rates during periods of high electricity usage. This peak demand time starts in the late afternoon and lasts until early evening.

Faulty Appliances & Increased Standby Power Usage

Faulty or obsolete appliances can draw more power than they should, leading to higher bills. Additionally, modern appliances and devices may go on standby or vampire power, consuming power even when not operational.

Faulty ACs or Heaters

A malfunctioning AC or heater might run inefficiently, which consumes more electricity than usual.. For instance, if an air conditioner's compressor fails to cycle off, it may lead to continuous high energy consumption.

Standby Power or Vampire Power

Certain devices, like coffee makers or televisions, consume power even when they are turned off but still plugged in. This can add up to a significant portion of your electric bills. For instance, a typical household can waste about 10% of its electricity on standby power, which could be around 1200kW annually.

Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

If you have noticed a sudden spike in your electricity bills since the start of 2024, then you are not alone. Several factors can contribute to high electricity bills, including the increased use of HVAC systems, inefficient appliances, excessive lightning usage, and more. Here are the six most common reasons why you are electricity bill might be unusually high:

Increased Use of Heating and Cooling Systems

Heating and cooling systems are among the biggest energy consumers in a household. Most residents move from the excessive use of heating systems to the cooling as the summer season approaches.

If you are using a central air conditioner unit for 8 hours that consumes 3500W or 3.5kW per hour, then the daily consumption would be 28kWh, which would amount to a total of 840kWh per month. Now for instance, if you are living in Massachusetts, where the average residential electric price is 28.70 cents per kWh. Then, just because of the air conditioner, you would pay $241.08 extra per month against your electricity bill.

Inefficient Appliances

If you use older or inefficient appliances, they are bound to draw more than the newer models. Regular use of such high-wattage appliances can significantly increase your energy bill.

For instance, if you have an old refrigerator that consumes about 800 watts and runs 24/7, it can use around 19kWh per day, which would amount to 570kWh per month. Taking the same Massachusetts example, the use of such a refrigerator would add $163.59 per month.

Similarly to an old refrigerator, using an electric water heater in Massachusetts that uses around 4500 watts or 4.5 kW for 30 minutes per day would increase your monthly electric bill to $12.91.

Incandescent Bulbs

Most households still use standard incandescent bulbs, which consume more electricity than LED bulbs. A standard incandescent bulb consumes around 60 watts, and if you use ten such bulbs running for 5 hours a day, it amounts to 3kWh daily and 90kWh per month. Ten incandescent light bulbs will increase the monthly bill by $25.50.

Excessive Electronic Devices

With more devices being used for work, communication, and entertainment, overall energy consumption can rise significantly. For instance, a desktop computer and monitor can use up to 400 watts, and if they are used for 8 hours per day, this would amount to 3.2kWh.

Electric Vehicle Charging

Even though electric vehicles help the environment and save costs in the long run, charging them at home will significantly increase your electricity usage.

For instance, a typical Level 2 EV charger uses about 7200 watts (or 7.2kW). If you charge an EV for 8 hours, it would consume 57.6kWh. So, considering the electric rate of Massachusetts, every time you fully charge your EV, it will add $16.32 to your electricity bill.

Phantom Load or Vampire Power

Most electronics are designed in a way that they will consume some energy even if they are put on standby. Some most common appliances that consume your electricity when they are turned off but still plugged in are televisions, microwave ovens, coffee machines, etc. Collectively, these appliances can consume up to 10% of your electricity, which can accumulate to roughly 1200kWh annually for an average American household.

why my electric bill so high

What Is The Average Electricity Bill?

The average electricity bill for households in the United States can vary widely depending on factors such as location, home size, energy usage patterns, and electricity provider. In 2023, the average electricity bill in the United States was $117.46, but the average electric bill for 2024 is estimated to be around $130. This figure can vary due to regional differences in electricity rates and consumption patterns.

Here are the top 10 states with highest average electric bills:


Average bill

May 2024

Energy rates

May 2024



44.14 ¢/kWh



26.76 ¢/kWh



34.31 ¢/kWh



14.74 ¢/kWh



14.73 ¢/kWh

West Virginia


15.98 ¢/kWh



17.63 ¢/kWh



28.7 ¢/kWh

Rhode Island


28.09 ¢/kWh



15.5 ¢/kWh

The appliances that consume the most electricity in a typical household are heating and cooling systems, water heaters, refrigerators, washers and dryers, and electric ovens. HVAC systems, like air conditioners or electric furnaces, can use thousands of watts per hour. Similarly, electric ovens, electric vehicles, etc., can also significantly increase the monthly electricity cost.

Considering the average electricity rate is 28.34 cents per kWh, here's some estimated data about household appliances and their average contribution to the electric bill:


Average Wattage (watts)

Monthly Usage (hours)

Monthly Electricity Usage (kWh)

Cost (USD)

Electric Water Heater


90 (3 hours/day)



Central Air Conditioner


240 (8 hours/day)



Electric Dryer


20 (1 hour/load; 20 loads)



Electric Oven


30 (1 hour/day)





30 (1 hour/load; 30 loads)



*Monthly usage hours are based on typical daily usage patterns.

Troubleshooting: How to Find Hidden Electricity Waste?

If you've noticed a sudden increase in your electric bill, it's essential to investigate potential causes. However, even before you plan to get in touch with a service provider or a professional electrician, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself. These questions will not only help you understand the gravity of the situation, but will also help you understand where exactly the problem lies.

Some of the most common questions to ask yourself are:

  • Have you recently purchased or started using a new appliance?
  • Are your old appliances losing efficiency?
  • Did you make any changes to your usage habits?
  • Is any of your electric appliances making any harsh sound when operational?
  • Is your home properly insulated?
  • Have you noticed an unexplained increase in your bill without changing your habits or appliances?

Common Issues With Electricity

Some of the common issues that might be causing a sudden spike in your electricity bill are:

Faulty Appliances

If you are currently operating faulty or aging appliances, remember that they would draw more power than is required. Consider replacing them with new ones that offer energy-efficiency support.

Standby Power

Try unplugging devices such as televisions, microwave ovens, coffee makers, LED screens, etc., when you are not using them.

HVAC System Issues

Inefficient heating and cooling systems can increase energy use, such as clogged filters, malfunctioning air conditioners, or other heating system parts.


If you are still using incandescent bulbs, they will consume more power. To reduce your electricity bills, try opting for LED lights or solar lights.

Wiring Problem

Electrical issues like poor wiring or damaged circuits can cause power leaks. These cause hardware issues in your appliances and increase your electricity bills.

Hidden Electricity Waste

Electricity hidden waste is the electricity consumed by appliances and electronic devices, even when they are turned off or in standby mode. This type of waste, commonly called Phantom Load, Standby Power, or even Vampire Load, occurs when devices continue to draw power while not in active use, contributing to higher electricity bills without any functional benefit.

Here's how to find hidden electricity waste in your home:

Monitor Your Usage

Get a smart meter or an energy monitoring device that would help you track your electricity consumption in real-time. You can use this device to monitor your appliances' operating in real-time and identify sudden spikes. Make a note of the sudden spikes and try to identify the reason behind them.

Inspect Appliances

Periodically check the condition and efficiency of major household appliances. You can check how certain appliances, like air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, etc., perform. If there are any problems with their operation, you can contact the service providers to find the root cause.

Check Phantom Loads

Always unplug the devices when you are not using them. For instance, make a habit of unplugging the soundbar or gaming console. You can even get a power strip to switch off multiple devices simultaneously.

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

If you are using old appliances, try replacing them with Energy Star-rated models, which will significantly reduce energy consumption.

Now, if you have analyzed every appliance and even monitored the sudden spikes and are still not able to find the issues behind the power leaks, then it may be time to get in touch with a professional. An electrical engineer will:

Perform Comprehensive Inspection: An electrical engineer will bring all the necessary gear to identify the electrical issues or faults in your home's wiring that could be causing power leaks.

Check for Faulty Circuits: An engineer will conduct a thorough inspection to ensure the circuit breakers and electrical panels function properly.

Test Appliances Efficiency: The engineer will easily evaluate all of your appliances and analyze whether they are operating at optimal efficiency or need repair or a complete replacement.

check hidden electricity waste

How to Reduce Your Electric Bill?

Reducing your electric bill involves a combination of energy-efficient practices, investing in better technology, and making lifestyle changes. Investing in energy-efficient appliances, optimizing water heater settings, adopting solar energy, and being mindful of appliance usage are all effective strategies for saving energy and money.

Here are some practical tips to help you lower your energy consumption and cut down on the average monthly cost that adds up to a huge electricity bill:

Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances

Always invest in energy-efficient appliances that can lead to significant savings over time. You can start by replacing the incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 80%. At the same time, you can also get modern dishwashers with the Energy Star label that uses about 270 kWh per year compared to older models that can use over 600 kWh annually.

Install Programmable Thermostat

Buy a programmable thermostat that would allow you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day. With the help of such a programmable thermostat, you can ensure your HVAC system runs only when needed. As a rough estimation, these devices can save up to 10% on heating and cooling costs by automatically adjusting the temperature when you are not present or when their services are not required.

Use Smart Power Strips

Opt for getting smart power strips that can detect when a device goes into standby mode. Through the smart technology, the strips automatically cut off power, reducing phantom load. In order to make it work properly, you can connect devices like gaming consoles, entertainment systems, and computer peripherals in a group on smart strips.

Adopt Solar Energy

Solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate your electricity bill by generating your own power. On average, a 5kW solar panel system can produce about 6,000 kWh annually, offsetting a substantial portion of your annual electricity consumption.

Different states have ongoing rebate programs that would help you with taxes. For instance, if you install a $16000 home solar system in Illinois, you can claim around $4800 as a valid tax form expense.

However, if you are looking for a more competitive solar energy option, you can check out Jackery Solar Generators to save electricity bills. These portable solar generators are easy to carry and can help you save on the installation cost of rooftop solar panels.

Reduce Usage of High-Energy Appliances

Always be mindful of how and when you use certain appliances. For example, use microwaves instead of conventional ovens for cooking small meals. Microwaves generally use about 1200W, which is significantly less than the 2500W used by electric ovens.

Jackery Solar Generators For Saving Electric Bill

Jackery is a world-renowned manufacturer of solar generators, solar panels, and portable power stations. The company was founded in California in 2012 and has sold more than 4 million solar devices since then. Jackery has also received several accolades for its research and development in the field of solar energy.

Jackery Solar Generators is your answer to a green and renewable power solution for indoor, emergency, and outdoor adventures. Unlike gas generators, these solar generators emit no toxic gasses and operate extremely cleanly.

The Jackery SolarSaga Solar Panels are made with monocrystalline silicon solar cells that harness the power of sunlight. These cells absorb solar radiation and convert it into usable energy, which is later transferred to Jackery Explorer Portable Power StationsJackery Solar Generators come with a built-in pure sine wave inverter, which takes the harnessed energy and helps you power up your appliances, significantly reducing electric bills.

Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro

If you live in such areas that face extended power cuts or if your monthly average electricity bill has skyrocketed since the start of 2024 and are looking for a way to cut down the monthly electricity cost, then Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro is your ideal companion. This solar generator features a high-capacity battery, which can charge 99% of your household appliances for a relatively long time.

Appliances Working Hours

  • Room Heater (1800W): 1.4H
  • Vacuum Cleaner (1500W): 1.7H
  • Rice Cooker (1000W): 2.5H
  • Microwave (960W): 2.6H
  • Sump Pump (800W): 3.2H
  • Refrigerator (800W): 3.2H

jackery solar generator 3000 pro for why did my electric bill doubled

Customer Review

"Works great so far with home charge and solar charge. Will be hooking it up to my pop-up camper next week. Great size, quiet, and a good app so far." -- James Matthews.

Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus

The Jackery Solar Generator 2000 Plus is a go-to power solution for those who are looking for an eco-friendly way to cut down their monthly electricity charges. This solar generator is ideal for emergency home backups and can easily power large appliances like air conditioners, water heaters, refrigerators, etc. What is more amazing about these solar generators is that you can expand their output capacity by adding another set of battery packs and compatible solar panels.

Appliances Working Hours

  • Coffee Machine (1500W): 1.1 H
  • Toaster (1100 W): 1.5 H
  • Microwave Oven (960 W): 1.8 H
  • Sump Pump (800W): 2.1H
  • CPAP Machine (80W): 21.7H

jackery solar generator 2000 plus for why did my electric bill doubled

Customer Review

"I have used the 2k+, and it operates great; I ran an Iceco refrigerator for 5 days and went to 67% !" -- Mark Jensen.

How to Measure & Calculate Electric Bill?

If you are still wondering why my electric bill has doubled since the start of 2024, then understanding how to measure and calculate your electric bill is important for managing energy consumption.

Before understanding how to calculate the electric bill, you must get acquainted with the common electrical terms:

Watts (W): It is a unit of power and measures the energy use rate.

Kilowatt (kW): Kilowatt is 1000 watts

Kilowatt-hour (kWh): This unit of energy represents one kilowatt of power used for one hour.

different household appliances

Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on understanding how to calculate the electric bill:

Step 1: Determine the Power Consumption of Each Appliances

Always start by identifying the wattage of each appliance. You can find this information printed on the box or the appliance itself. You can even check the user manual to learn about the power consumption of your appliances.

Step 2: Calculate Daily Usage

Now, for each household or outdoor appliance, estimate the number of hours you aim to use them. For example, a refrigerator with a power consumption of 200 watts running for 24 hours a day will have the following daily usage in kWh:

Daily Usage (kWh) = (Wattage of Appliances/1000) x Hours Used Per Day

= (200W/1000) x 24 hours = 4.8kWh/day

Step 3: Calculate Monthly Usage

Now, multiply the daily usage by the number of days in the month to get the total monthly usage of the said appliance.

Monthly Usage (kWh) = Daily Usage (kWh)×Days in Month

= 4.8kWh x 30 days = 144kWh/month

Step 4: Sum Up the Usage for All Appliances

Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for each appliance and sum up the kWh to get the total monthly usage. Let's suppose you have calculated different household appliances, like air conditioners, dishwashers, televisions, etc., and the total monthly usage has come to around 850kWh.

Step 5: Find the Electricity Rate

Get in touch with your electricity provider or check your most recent electricity bill to learn the rate charged per kWh. For instance, the electric rate in the state of Massachusetts is approximately 28.34 cents per kWh.

Step 6: Calculate the Electricity Cost

Multiple the electric rate with the total monthly usage of all the combined appliances to get the average electric cost:

Total Cost=Total Monthly Usage (kWh)×Electricity Rate ($/kWh)

= 850kWh x $0.2834/kWh = $240.89

As you can learn from the above example, learning how to measure the electric rates has several benefits. Additionally, it can also help you control your energy usage and expenses. Some other benefits are:

  • You can easily make budget planning and accurately understand your monthly expenses.
  • You can identify the energy usage pattern and pinpoint high-energy-consuming appliances.
  • You can track changes in your usage and costs over time, which makes it easier to determine what changes are necessary to reduce electricity costs.
  • With this calculation, you can compare different utility plans and upgrade to the one that fits your requirements.
  • You can identify areas of waste, implement energy-saving practices, and even prioritize investments in solar energy.

Why Did My Electric Bill Double FAQs

What size of solar generator do I need for my home?

The size of the solar generator you need to reduce your electricity bill depends on various factors, such as the average electric rate in your area, the number of appliances used simultaneously, and the state of the appliances used.

For instance, if you are using an air conditioner (1400W), sump pump (800W), and standard light bulb (60W) with the Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro:

Working Hours = Battery Capacity in Wh * 0.85 / Wattage Consumption of the Appliances

Working Hours = 3024 Wh * 0.85/2260 W = 1.13 H.

Note: The total battery capacity of Jackery Solar Generator 3000 Pro is multiplied by 0.85 to account for the power loss while charging the appliances.

What would cause my electric usage to double?

There are several factors that can cause your electric usage to double, like adding new high-wattage appliances or changes in lifestyle or habits. Even the increased usage of certain devices or the use of malfunctioned devices can also lead to increased electric usage.

What would cause a sudden spike in electricity usage?

Sudden spikes in electricity usage can be caused by several factors, like extreme weather conditions, malfunctioning appliances, or changes in occupancy patterns.

What runs your electric bill up the most?

HVAC and water heaters run up the most electric bills due to their high energy consumption. Some other important contributing factors that increase the electric bill include inefficient appliances, lighting, and electronic devices, like coffee machines, televisions, etc., left on standby.

Do unplugging appliances save electricity?

Yes, unplugging appliances surely saves electricity. Several appliances consume electricity when they are put on standby mode but plugged in. Unplugging such devices can save electricity by preventing phantom loads.

Reduce Monthly Electric Bill With Solar

When you ask questions like why my electricity bill has doubled since the start of 2024 or what appliances are using too much electricity, you can learn to implement appropriate measures. By recognizing potential causes of a doubled electricity bill, such as the addition of high-wattage appliances or changes in usage patterns, you can effectively make changes to reduce the electricity bill.

Jackery Solar Generators can charge 99% of your household and outdoor appliances, which significantly reduces your monthly electricity bills. Since these generators are portable, you can easily carry them during your holidays or RV living and charge appliances like CPAP machines, air conditioners, sump pumps, and high-power appliances at ease.

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